Aptana を Install

JavaScript もその内使うので、Install しておこう。



To plug Aptana into an existing Eclipse configuration:

1. From the Help menu in Eclipse, select Software Updates > Find and Install... to open an Install/Update pop-up window.
2. On the Install/Update pop-up window, choose the Search for new features to install option, and click the Next button.
3. Set up a new remote site to scan for updates.
1. Click the New Remote Site... button to open a New Update Site pop-up window.
2. On the New Update Site pop-up window, type "Aptana" in the site Name text box.
3. In the URL text box, type the URL for the Aptana update site: http://update.aptana.com/update/ and click OK.
4. Click the Finish button to open an Updates window.
4. On the Updates window, check the Aptana box, and click the Next button.
5. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Next button.
6. Click the Finish button.
7. Click the Install All button.

Eclipse installs the Aptana plug-in. To finish the installation process, follow the prompts to shut down and re-start Eclipse.

Install をするのめっちゃ楽、Eclipse の plugin の Install の登録手順も板についてきたし
(5回もやれば、上記の様な Document をしっかり読まなくても URLの部分だけ読めばInstall出来るから楽)、
登録さえしておけば、自動的に最新版に update してくれる機能が、
